Welcome to James Finn
The Home of Psychological Performance Coaching
With nearly three decades of experience helping people to develop and grow, James Finn offers online self-development that will help you understand yourself better. Why you think and feel like you do and then act of those thoughts and feelings.
--- My Journey
On reflection my journey began when I was 11 years old. Little did I know at the time that the experiences of that time would shape who I am today.
I have found that people of all ages used to dump their problems on me. At such a young age I didn't know whether this was good or bad. But I frequently found myself being someone's sounding board. With my limited life experience I tried offering solutions which for me seemed very obvious (although I haven't a clue if they were useful or correct) perhaps my limited life experience offered an unfiltered view point and the obvious answer was the one which stared them in the face. Although at the time I didn't understand the power of emotion and how it can keep a person in the same place even when they know that being in that place is bad for them.
Unfortunately, what I have discovered is that as we move through life the answers can become less than obvious.

Anyway, as time went on I found they use to make the same mistakes and come to me with the same problems (not uncommon, sometimes we need to explore an issue and make mistakes before it begins to make sense). Instead of offering solutions which used to frustrate me (especially after I offered what I thought was the answer) I just listened and asked the occasional question just to make sure I had understood.
Over three decades later this skill still serves me very well. I've used it in many areas of development and personal growth. However, it wasn't until I was 17 years old that I actually put my skills into practice and found individuals leaning on me for advice and a listening ear. Since then I have helped people in the areas of fitness, sport, relationships, work and their personal life. Using coaching, mentoring and psychotherapy.
I'm am always searching for the best solutions to help people through the difficulties of life. The content of this site contains many of the ingredients I and others have found essential in their own personal development. It's not a one size fits all approach, but rather a pick and mix to suit your own personal needs.
The most powerful question you can ask yourself is, what feels right for you?